Private tours can be scheduled nearly anytime. Contact us for more information, or for any special accommodations you may need!
Your GPS might have trouble bringing you here. These helpful directions are your best route.
2948 E 2110 Road, Hugo, Oklahoma 74743
Directions from Texas:
- Head north on US-271 from Paris
- Turn right onto E 2140 Road / OK-109 for 5.6 miles
- Turn left onto N 4290 Road for 3 miles
- Turn left onto the dirt road at E 2110 Road for 1.5 miles
- We are 1.5 miles on the left
Directions from Hugo:
- Head east onto US-70
- Turn right onto N 4280 Road / Fallon Road after Red Barn Propane
- After two miles, when the paved road curves hard to the left, continue straight onto the dirt road
- After one mile, turn right at the stop sign onto E 2110 Road
- We are 0.5 miles on the left
Contact us for information regarding
- Booking Private Tours
- Bus Tours/Group Tours
- or Other questions regarding your visit